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Use the Corona Tracing feature in the Government's 'Hamro Swasthya' app

Hamro Swasthya App

The government has included a special feature for tracing corona virus infections in a new update to "Hamro Swasthya" app. The app also includes a Bluetooth-based tracing feature, taking into account user privacy.
In Hamro Swasthya Mobile app, the Ministry of Health and Population expects Bluetooth tracing to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in users.

A few months ago, the ministry unveiled its official mobile app, Hamro Swasthya for Android and iOS users. The mobile app also allows users to self-assess their health on a daily basis.

Based on the completed self-assessment details, the expert health workers under the ministry provide additional advice over the phone to the users with possible symptoms of infection and even arrange to go to the nearest health facility if necessary.

How does it work?

After opening the mobile app, the app requests the user to open Bluetooth tracing of the mobile. The mobile app starts Bluetooth tracing if the user allows.

This app collects the hardware identification number (MAC ID) of Bluetooth devices within a distance of 10 meters. But it does not collect mobile numbers or mobile device IDs.

Details such as where the user went from, who he met, how long he stayed close to the person will also not be collected.

It only collects information about how long the user has been near the Bluetooth device. It is said that the identity of the person concerned will not be revealed on the basis of the MAC ID of the device.

However, this Bluetooth-based tracing is considered more user-friendly than GPS and mobile phone signal tracking. The ministry said that the MAC ID collected in this way will be collected only on the device of the 'Hamro Swasthya' app user and it will be deleted automatically after 14 days.

If a person has an infection and has used Bluetooth tracing through Hamro Swasthya app or has not used the app, Bluetooth is turned on and the ID is shared with other Bluetooth, the technicians of the Ministry of Health can go to Hamro Swasthya dashboard and list the infected on the Bluetooth ID server.

Devices that have turned off Bluetooth tracing also receive periodic update checks. It checks the server to see if any of the infected Bluetooth device IDs are up to date.

If a device ID on the server matches the device ID compiled on the user's mobile device, it first identifies whether the device ID is their own.

It is then compared with the device IDs collected on the user's device. If ID matches, The ministry said it would recommend testing for corona in guess of suspected to be infected.

Click here to download Hamro Swasthya app for Android and here for iPhone.

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